Now that your safari plans have been set, the details begin to emerge and as you re-read your itinerary and your eyes do a double take as they land on the phrase “Note: luggage restrictions … “ and so it begins! THE most popular topic of conversation.

Yes, there is a high probability that if you are going on safari that you will be on a light aircraft flight, which means there will be luggage restrictions! Trust us when we say, we are not implementing these restrictions to torment you. Rather, these are set for safety reasons and due to limited storage space on board the plane.  The restrictions vary between the different light aircraft companies as the size of the plane does affect how small the luggage hold is.

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Gorilla Trekking…What to bring?

Blog_3_mg_1260jpg_35233311432_oThe biggest question for a Gorilla Trekking trip is … What do I bring? While much of what you’ll want to have with you is on our Packing List_2018, there are some special considerations that we have included here when preparing for your gorilla trek. Here’s our list of what to bring and a little bit about what to expect. From there, you’ll be able to determine what is important to you to keep you comfortable. Continue reading “Gorilla Trekking…What to bring?”