Global Sojourns Giving Circle

Global Sojourns founder Priscilla Plummer and a small band of hearty souls launched Global Sojourns Giving Circle (GSGC) in 2008 to create lasting, responsible change in Southern Africa.

A U.S. registered non profit, GSGC partners directly with local communities to create sustainable support for children’s education and empowerment. GSGC primarily supports girls clubs run by local women who serve as aunties, or confidantes, mentoring girls in safe spaces. With support and training from GSGC, the aunties gently guide girls to stay in school, avoid early marriage and pregnancy. GSGC-sponsored girls clubs help girls share their challenges, gain confidence, and envision and obtain a brighter future in what is currently a deeply patriarchal society. Each girl’s success helps to break her family’s – and community’s – cycle of poverty.

Community elders who once viewed GSGC with skepticism now implore us to expand these community-driven programs. Girl’s club alumnae are attending university and/or starting careers or businesses in their villages or towns. Some have initiated their own clubs. These young women become pillars of their communites and serve as positive examples to the next generation.

We are extending our work to include GSGC-sponsored boys clubs – an exciting opportunity to mentor boys to become men who understand the benefits of confident, educated girls and women.

By traveling with Global Sojourns, you are helping reduce poverty, strengthen communities and work to conserve wildlife in the long run.

Follow Global Sojourns Giving Circle on Facebook and Instagram.